Business owners – and firms that need to keep large amounts of data – are discovering that there are many advantages to cloud computing. It can save you time and money and provide flexibility and security.
AFFORDABILITY: When you store data and files in the cloud, you do not have to purchase expensive storage devices and servers. You don’t have to purchase software and pay people to maintain the servers and software. You do not have to invest in the latest technology or pay overhead for server rooms. You simply pay for the storage capacity you need, and Venture Pointe does the rest!
COMPETITIVENESS: Cloud hosting services give even small businesses access to big-business technology. Cloud storage and cloud business applications give small businesses access to technology and services big corporations use.
FLEXIBILITY: If your needs increase, you can increase your cloud capacity in seconds. Alternately, downsizing and scaling down is just as easy.
AUTOMATIC SOFTWARE UPDATES: Servers are off-site, so cloud hosting relieves you of the need to keep servers updated. Venture Pointe does that for you.
SECURITY: Lost laptops, virus-infected servers, hard drive crashes and property destruction can lead to a loss of important – often proprietary – information. With cloud hosting, you can access what you need at any time, no matter what happens to your machines.