Cloud Hosting, Storage & Backup

Critical information lost in the event of calamities like hard drive crashes, natural disasters, viruses, and more can easily be recovered and restored with cloud hosting services provided by Venture Pointe, ensuring that your business can operate seamlessly and continuously. By backing up all of your data to the cloud, your business can quickly recover from any technological threat. Venture Point actually owns our own cloud environment. Because of this, we do not have to leverage any of our other services or share our cloud. This ensures that your data is even more secure and is less impacted when other clients are running heavy loads.

Our Managed Cloud Hosting Services Include:

Cloud maintenance

Daily backup and reporting


Daily monitoring and maintenance of backup status

24-hour icon

24-hour data recovery

Cloud management

Off-site storage in a Tier 4, SSAE 16 audited data center

Cloud Hosting Jacksonville FL Venture Pointe

Managing the cloud storage and backup process

It is important to understand that true data protection is a process that requires continual management. As long as new data is being created and changes are being made, backup processes and storage devices will need to be monitored, tested, and updated. To ensure that the backup scheme is working as expected, the process needs to include monitoring key factors and maintaining historical data to ensure that everything is backed up to the cloud.

Organizations with anything from one computer to thousands of computer systems all have requirements for protecting data. While the scale is different, the objectives and limitations are essentially the same. Likewise, those who perform backups need to know to what extent they were successful, regardless of scale. Our cloud services handle everything for you so that you never need to worry about a loss of information.

Costs of hardware, software, and labor

All types of storage media have a finite capacity with a real cost. We match the correct amount of storage capacity (over time) with your backup need as part of our design. Backup has a labor requirement for monitoring media usage, device status, errors, vault coordination and other information about the backup process. The cost of commercial backup software is also considerable.

Cloud Hosting Jacksonville FL Venture Pointe
Cloud Hosting Jacksonville FL Venture Pointe

With cloud computing, you avoid unnecessary investments in technology

Venture Pointe has made all the necessary software and storage investments so you don’t have to. Even though your infrastructure or organization changes and your amount of data goes up or down, our scalability can easily respond to each situation without the need for large investments.

For the best web hosting with award-winning support, make the switch to Venture Pointe today!